It Turns Out These Are the Advantages of Linode Compared to Digital Ocean!

What is Linode? Such questions are often asked by beginners in the world of the best hosting. In addition to having good performance and performance, this one hosting service can also be used to deploy WordPress sites easily and quickly. So what exactly is this hosting service? For more information, see the following review!

What is Linode?

Linode is a hosting service based in Philadelphia. This service specializes in high-performance Linux SSD servers. If you launch WordPress using the App Marketplace from this service, then you have the possibility to deploy WordPress on the service site very easily.

This one hosting service will not send surprising bills and sudden locks with chalked charts. The packages offered are advanced packages that start at $ 5 per month for 1GB of storage capacity and go up to $ 480 per month for 96GB.

What is Digital Ocean?

Similar to the previous service, Digital Ocean is a hosting service provider based in New York City. Digital Ocean is known to have helped millions of developers easily in terms of developing, building, managing, testing, and scaling applications and websites of various sizes faster than ever before.

Digital Ocean is one of the cheapest and fastest hosting services. Through this service you can run applications on multiple computers at once. Even without any obstacles. This platform offers a virtual private server when its users use KVM as a hypervisor. The prices offered by this service range from $ 5 / month.

Which is the recommendation for Digital Ocean and its rivals?

Overall, WordPress hosting using the Linode vps service is simpler in terms of features and services. However, Digital Ocean offers better choices and performance than the service. Digital Ocean is able to provide WordPress hosting support on Droplets and the hosting service provider’s virtual machine offerings. Even with just a few clicks, users can install a WordPress site without having to use a technical background.

Not only that, Digital Ocean’s WordPress hosting service is also equipped with a fully managed option for customers to take care of hosting details. The features of Digital Ocean include:

  • Usually all features are included in the Ubuntu 20.04 droplet.
    The components provided are all LAMP stacks.
    Using the Linux operating system.
    The server is Apache Web.
    Using the MySQL database.
    The language used is PHP script.

This is information related to Linode hosting services and their comparison with Digital Ocean. Please note that the WordPress installation on hosting services through Digital Ocean is also equipped with various firewall support programs, including gagal2ban and UFW. Interestingly, both features are provided free of charge by Digital Ocean. For starters, you can take advantage of the Linode free trial service.

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